Following a 2002 building assessment that determined much of the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems were insufficient to handle their needs, Beta Theta Pi at the Colorado School of Mines completed a $3.2 million rebuild. With a high level of fraternity engagement and fraternity fundraising, their fraternity capital campaign facilitated the following improvements to their chapter house. They were able to:

  • Expand 16 two-man study rooms by 60%

  • Establish four one-man study suites

  • Create eight four-man sleeping rooms

  • Provide a state-of-the-art technical resource room for large group projects and

  • presentations

  • Expand the dining area

  • Enlarge the kitchen with professional, high-quality equipment

  • Install high-speed Internet connections in each study room, lounge, and

         technical resource room

  • Build an all-inclusive housemother’s apartment

  • Expand the chapter room